About Us
Our Story:
Ours is an online spiritual community born of love.
We are a safe space to set intentions in prayer and meditation. Our story is special. Unity of Boerne generously opened their weekly online meditation that was initially created to serve their community during the pandemic to other Unity communities. In our earliest stages, we were a collaboration between Unity of Boerne and Unity of San Antonio facilitated by Rev. Jay Mulkey, Birdie Shawker, and Jennifer Llamas. In a wise use of resources in unprecedented times, and in service to other communities, we grew to include participants from Unity Centers such as Unity of the Rio Grande Valley, Unity of Corpus Christi, Unity of the Hill Country in Kerrville, Unity of San Angelo, and Unity of Brownsville. We came to know and love each other. People have joined in that are not connected with a Unity Center at all. We are here for you. We want to uphold your highest intentions with loving care.
All are welcome, no matter where you are from, whatever your spiritual background is.
We offer three ways to participate in Path Lighters. We meet on Zoom weekly on Thursdays at 8:00 p.m. Central Time. Join by going to zoom.us online and click "Join A Meeting" in the upper right of your computer screen. Then enter the following information when prompted: Meeting ID: 869 6282 9243 Passcode: 446313 If you are not interested in getting on Zoom, you can still participate! Join our Facebook Group for updates on prayer intentions and for inspiration. You can also sign up for our email list for reminders of our gatherings at the bottom of this page.
We send out inspiration and the group’s prayer intentions several times a month by email, sign up at the bottom of this [page.
Our Facilitators:
Rev. Jay Mulkey
Chaplain Birdie
Jan Tarlin
Rev. Jay Mulkey is a native to San Antonio from the Alamo Heights area. In the 1980's he discovered Unity. Jay then became regularly active in the Unity movement.
He was called to ministry and chose to transition to the Methodist church for his training.. In 2007 he was certified as a licensed minister. He was ordained in 2008.
At Sant Andrews in San Antonio, he served as Associate Pastor. He was invited to become the Spiritual Leader at Unity of Boerne seven years ago and has joyfully served in that role ever since.
Birdie currently serves at Connally Memorial Medical Center as Director of Spiritual Care, (chaplain) and at Unity of Boerne in the area of communications.
She has served several Unity churches in various capacities for over 20 years. Birdie has completed Unity’s Spiritual Education Enrichment Program and two units of Clinical Pastoral Education in San Antonio, Texas. She is also a Registered Nurse with over 25 years' experience, largely in psychiatric care.
Jan Tarlin holds BA with Honors from Marlboro College (Marlboro Vermont) and an MDiv from Union Theological Seminary (NYC, New York). He is ordained to the Unitarian Universalist Ministry authorized to conduct a Ministry of Pastoral Care and Meditation Instruction in the Karma Kagyu Lineage of Tibetan Buddhism. He has been a practitioner in the Karma Kagyu Lineage for 16 years and has spent 15 of those years those years serving the lineage in both professional and volunteer roles. Jan also has a background in the academic discipline of Religious Studies and taught that subject at the college and university level for eleven years.
Mary Tufts
Mary Tufts has been a member of Unity of San Angelo for a while now. She is a computer geek using her powers for good through the Red Cross, the Rainbow Room (for the love of children) and a Prayer Chaplain leader along with her husband, Jim. They have two adult children, one granddaughter, and two “fur babies” whom they adore.She has travelled all over the world following her retired USAF husband and loved every moment of it.
Diane Pope
Diane Pope first found Unity in the mid 70's in San Antonio while attending UT Nursing school. Over the years she has been very active in Unity in Houston, TX, Unity of Mt. Home, AR, Unity in Branson, Mo. and was a founding member of Unity of Boerne. She is a member of many prayer groups and has a profound belief in the power of all people to achieve the life they desire. Diane does single and group hypnosis and spiritual growth sessions.