Visit Us
We Can't Wait To Meet You, All Are Warmly and Truly Welcome
Gathering Schedule:
Intentional Meditation and Prayer Gathering
Thursdays 8:00 p.m. Central Time via Zoom
Meeting ID: 869 6282 9243 Passcode: 446313
All Are Welcome!
Unity of Boerne
121 Scenic Loop
PO Box 1973
Boerne, TX 78006, USA
We Are Inclusive
All our sponsoring ministries are fully inclusive and affirming of all people. You and yours are welcome to participate in the full life of these communities regardless of background, race, gender, sexual preference, disability, location, gender identity, occupation, economic status, or faith tradition. There is no need to “convert” or change religions to participate in Path Lighters. Our meditation and prayer group is ecumenical in nature. We look forward to meeting you!
Primary Sponoring Ministry
Unity of Boerne
Other Sponsoring Ministries:
Unity of San Antonio
Unity of San Angelo
Unity of the Rio Grande Valley
Unity of Brownsville
Unity of the Hill Country in Kerrville
Unity Spritual Center of Corpus Christi